5 Tips for Better Sleep During the Week

Deep, restful sleep can oftentimes feel elusive and out of reach, especially during busy week nights. If you're having trouble catching up on your z's, we have five tips to help you reclaim your sleep.


 1. Unplug an Hour Before Sleep 

This is something that many of us have heard, but don't follow. It's tough, but incredibly important. Getting off your phone, computer, tablet, or iPad will significantly help your chances of restful sleep. The bright lights in our technology slow the production of melatonin, which is crucial for sleep. Light, in general, is the body's way of registering that it is time to keep staying awake and alert. 

In addition to putting your electronics away an hour prior to bed, you should also start turning the lights down low to encourage sleepiness. Shower with low, ambient light and allow yourself to start relaxing and getting all your thoughts and mental notes for the next day out before heading to your bed.


2. Try an Eye Mask

Even the smallest amount of light (like the computer monitor, a light in the other room peaking underneath the door, or car lights shining through the blinds) can disrupt sleep. Our Bucky sleep masks are the best quality, blocking out light and never put pressure on your eyes, ensuring pressure free blinking.





3. Exercise

Exercising helps you sleep better and it's good for mental and physical health. Any form of exercise, whether it's going for a walk, doing some yoga, rollerblading, etc., will help you get that sought after shut eye. Just be sure to get your fitness in 3-4 hours before you plan on going to bed or you might have a burst of energy and sleep will be distant.




4. Use Hot/Cold Therapy

In order for sleep to occur, you also need to be relaxed and comfortable. On cold winter nights, heat therapy is a great way to soothe your muscles and induce relaxation, which will bring you one step closer to a good night of sleep. You can relax with our neck wraps, heart warmers, and compact wraps, which can also be used to warm the bed for maximum comfort. On hot nights, use cold therapy to cool off and achieve a cooler body temperature, which is necessary for falling asleep. 



5. Set a Routine

Finally, set a routine and stick to it every night. Set a reminder for when you want to head to bed and plan to wake up at the same time each morning. This will help set your biological clock, eventually making it easier to wake up since it will be more natural than an alarm. To make your body more alert and awake, spend time in the sunlight for 5-20 minutes first thing in the morning, if possible. 


Bonus Tip: Make Sure Your Pillow is Up to the Task

Sometimes the culprit to lack of sleep can be as simple as the type of pillow or mattress you are using. If it's time for a new, comfortable pillow, we recommend our natural filled buckwheat and millet pillows. Hull bed pillows are not only great for deep, restorative sleep, but provide ideal head and neck support that greatly improves sleep posture and reduces soreness in the morning. 


 We hope these tips will lead you to more restful sleep and a healthier life.